Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Tonbridge CWO Launch Event

Members are warmly welcomed to attend our TEAM Branch launch of the Conservative Women’s Organisation on  Thursday 17th March at the Rose & Crown Hotel, Tonbridge, with fish & chips supper.


Our speaker is Cllr Louise Brice, a member of the South East Regional Area, responsible for social media.


Tickets are just £10. Tickets bought on Paypal are £11 in order to cover Paypal's service charge. 

There is also a paying bar.


Margaret Thatcher famously said  In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man, if you want anything done, ask a woman!


A bit about CWO – a free to join organisation for both men and women.


As the oldest politically affiliated female organisation in the world we are the pipeline for women in the party to…

  1. We support women into elected office through training, mentoring, and networking. From Councillors, Police and Crime Commissionaires, to MPs and all elected roles in the Party.
  2. Represent women in the Party, thank them for the hard work they do and help women navigate our Party structures
  3. Reach out to women voters beyond politics, and engage with their concerns through policy forums, campaigns, lobbying and work with NGOs

How many tickets would you like?

Tuesday, 22 February 2022