Thursday, 28 November 2024

Christmas Drinks


You are invited to Christmas drinks on the 16th December at the Kings Hill Community Centre, 70 Gibson Drive, Kings Hill,  ME19 4LG, from 18:30-20:30.

We will be picking out the lucky winners of the Kent Conservatives Christmas Draw so come along a see if you have won! We are delighted to announce that Gareth Bacon MP and Sally-Ann Hart will be joining us for the evening. 

Drinks and mince pies will be offered as well as other refreshments. This will be the last Kent Group Event of the year so it would be great to see as many of you there as possible. We would love to thank you for all the support you have shown the office over this hectic year! 

Please be aware that tickets are limited so please ensure you purchase yours as soon as possible.

How many tickets would you like?

Friday, 15 November 2024

Christmas Drinks with Adam Holloway


The Gravesham Conservatives have the pleasure of inviting you to Christmas drinks with Adam and Kate on Sunday 15th December from 11:30am - 1:30pm. We will serve drinks, mince pies, and other treats. We will be running a Christmas Raffle with some great presents to be won! Please be advised we will release details on the venue closer to the date. 

If you fancy joining us for some festive fun then purchase your tickets below. 

How many tickets would you like?

Tonbridge Mulled Wine and Mince Pies


The Tonbridge Conservative Association is delighted to invite you to our mince pie and mulled wine event taking place on Friday 6 December 2024. This will be held at St Philip’s Church, Salisbury Road, Tonbridge TN10 4PA from 7.30 - 9.30 pm. 

Tom Tugendhat MP will be attending so please come along to catch up. We will be holding our usual Christmas Jumper competition with a prize for the best jumper and Tom has agreed to judge this. There will be mulled wine, non-alcoholic mulled wine, soft drinks, delicious homemade mince pies, sausage rolls, and other tasty nibbles.

The ticket price will be £10.00 pp.  We will be running a Christmas raffle with some great prizes to win. All proceeds will be used to help us fight in next year's Kent County Council Elections.

How many tickets would you like?

Friday, 11 October 2024

Christmas Draw 2024


We have launched our annual 'Christmas Draw'!

Every penny raised through the Draw will be spent fighting elections next year. It will go directly towards paying for leaflets and materials that are necessary to fight elections.

Tickets for the 2024 Christmas Draw are just £2.50, and you have the chance to win the following prizes:
1st Prize: £500 Cash
2nd Prize: One Night Spa Break
3rd Prize: 12 Mile Helicopter Ride
Running Up Prizes of:  Fortnum and Mason Christmas Hamper, Afternoon Tea for two at Fortnum and Mason and 6x £50 Cash Prizes.

If you would like to pay via cheque, please address the cheque to 'Kent Area Conservatives' and send to:
Kent Conservatives
Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre
Commercial Road, Paddock Wood 
TN12 6EN 

Please also write your name and address on the back of the cheque.

To pay by BACS, please use the following details: 
Account Name: Kent Area Conservatives 
Account Number: 84662824
Sort Code: 55-81-07
Reference: XMAS (then your postcode). E.G. XMAS TN12 6EN

If you would like to pay via Paypal please see below:

How many tickets would you like?

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Tunbridge Wells West Branch Christmas Dinner

How many tickets would you like?

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Race Night 15th November Chatham and Aylesford


Chatham and Aylesford Conservatives are delighted to announce the details of our Race Night on 15th November.  Details will come out shortly on how to purchase horses or sponsor races and most importantly the prizes for winning! Accompanying will be a raffle with some great prizes. 

When? Friday 15th November, 7 pm. 

Where? The Aylesford Community Centre, Aylesford Village

How much? £10 a ticket

Please bring your own picnic food. There is a pay bar, please try to avoid bringing your own drinks as we will have to pay a corkage fee.

If you want to join us for a fantastic night then please get your tickets below.

 How many tickets would you like to buy?

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Meopham Branch: Fireworks Display 9/11/2024


You are warmly invited to our fireworks evening. This promises to be a fun and enjoyable evening for all ages as we look to celebrate the 5th of November together before the New Years. This will be one of our last events of the year. 

Cindy and James Murphy have kindly offered to host it at their home in Meopham on the 9th of November. Please arrive for 7pm.

Tickets for adults will be £16, ages 10-16 are £10, and under 10's are free! Your ticket includes a delicious supper and your first drink. We have great wine, beer and soft drinks. If you fancy something warmer we will have mulled wine and hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Please bring children and grandchildren to enjoy an evening of family fun. There will also be giant sparkles on sale. We will also be hosting a raffle with some great prizes to be won!

This promises to be a great night, and all funds raised will go towards our Kent County Council Elections next year. 

How many Adult tickets would you like?

How many tickets would you like?

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Tonbridge Quiz Night 2024


The Tonbridge Quiz Night is upon us. Do you have what it takes to win?

The event will be taking place on Thursday 3rd October at the Six in One Club, Northwood Road, Tonbridge, TN10 3HH. Doors open at 7pm with the quiz evening starting promptly at 7:30pm.

Tickets for this event are just £16.50 per person (£17.50 on Paypal to cover service charge), to include a choice of either Fish and Chips, Sausage and Chips, or a vegetarian alternative.

There is a cash bar and we would respectfully ask that you do not bring along your own drinks as the Six in One Club very generously allows us to use the premises free of charge so please do purchase your drinks at the bar.

 Teams of up to six people. although smaller teams are always welcome! 

If you would like to come along but do not have a team, we will be happy to pair you up on the evening. To book your place at this ever-popular event, please buy your tickets below.

 Alternatively, please send a cheque addressed to Tonbridge Conservative Association to: Kent Conservative Group Business Centre Commercial Road Paddock Wood TN12 6EN

 Please let us know what choice of food you would like by emailing when you buy your tickets.

How many tickets would you like?

Friday, 6 September 2024

Chatham and Aylesford Halloween Party


Chatham and Aylesford Conservatives are delighted to announce the details of our Halloween Party. 

When? Saturday 26th October from 5-9pm. 

Where? Smiths Hill Farm, Hunt Street, West Farleigh, Maidstone

How much? £15 a ticket for adults, children can come for £5 and pay on the day. 

Bring your own drinks, soft drinks available 

Food, games, come in costume. There will be prizes for best costum. There will also be a raffle. 

There are three ways of purchasing your ticket

1) Send a cheque address to Chatham and Aylesford Conservatives, to Kent Conservative Group, Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6EN

2) Pay by BAC, please email for details

3) Pay through Paypal using the link below

How many tickets would you like?

Friday, 9 August 2024

Canterbury Autumn Lunch


If you would like to purchase tickets to the Canterbury Late Summer Lunch, there are three ways to do so. 

1) If you would like to purchase via cheque or cash - please address to Canterbury Conservatives and send to Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6EN

2) If you would like to pay by BACS - please email

3) If you would like to pay by Paypal, please follow the link below

Thank you so much for your support!

How many tickets would you like?

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Meopham Branch BBQ

Meopham Branch BBQ and thank you to Adam

Hosted by Ruth Blake and Dennis Fairweather at their home in Harvel, near Meopham

Saturday 31st August 3pm (food will be served at 4pm)

Tickets £18.00 under 5's free, 5-15 £5.00 includes BBQ, desserts and first drink

There will be a raffle

Contact Jo McTavish 07966 530692 if you have any dietary requirements.

Adam and Kate will be attending the BBQ and we are planning to use this opportunity for the Assn to thank  Adam for his years of service as our MP. Adam was  MP for Gravesham from May 2005 until July 2024

Please use the box below or if you prefer to pay by cheque please address it to Gravesham Conservatives and send it to the Office at: 
Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre, 
Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6EN

Please do try and come to the BBQ as it promises to be a very special occasion.

How many tickets would you like?

Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Curry Night - 8th August


Following the election period our Curry Club is back!

On Thursday 8th August at 7pm, we will be travelling to the Simla Cuisine in Paddock Wood (2 Church Rd, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge TN12 6EZ). This is a great chance for an informal catch-up following a very busy 5 months. 

Everyone will get a main, and there will be four different dishes depending on people's tolerance for spice! 

Rice, Sides, and Bread will come with the Main. 

Tickets are £30 per person, and the profits will go towards our membership drive. 

We look forward to seeing you on the 8th!

If you would like to pay by cheque - please address it to Tunbridge Wells Conservatives at Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre, Commercial Road, TN12 6EN. 

If you would like to pay by BAC - please contact

How many tickets would you like?

Friday, 26 July 2024

Tunbridge Wells Tea Party


Tunbridge Wells Conservatives South Branch warmly invite you to  

Afternoon tea with Thelma        Back by popular request!

On Saturday August 24th at 3 pm

Bubbly, soft drinks, sandwiches, scones and homemade cakes

To be hosted by Andrew Hobart in his lovely garden

 Robin Hatch, Pembury Road, TN2 4NA

Please be aware that parking is limited so car share is advisable

Tickets cost £20 

Donations for a raffle will be gratefully accepted

If you would like to send a cheque for this event, please address it to Tunbridge Wells Conservatives, and send to: 

Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre,
Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, 
TN12 6EN

If you would like to pay by BACS, email -

How many tickets would you like?

Friday, 31 May 2024

Adam and Kate's Gift 2024


Please donate to Adam and Kate's thank you gift through the Paypal Button below. 

How much would you like to donate?

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Laura Trott Fighting Fund


It has been the greatest honour to serve as the Member of Parliament for Sevenoaks and Swanley since 2019. And, with a General Election taking place on 4 July, I am determined to keep Sevenoaks and Swanley Conservative.


We had a fantastic launch for our campaign on Saturday 25 May and we plan to be delivering leaflets and be out on the doorstep throughout this campaign sharing our positive local story. But to do this, we need your help to fund our campaign.


Calling cards, social media advertising, letters to postal voters and leaflets are vital to help promote our vision and to win this election these activities are costly and so we need your help!


How will your money be spent?


£25 will pay for 500 letterheads

£35 pays for 500 calling cards

£50 pays for 2,000 leaflets or for one large poster for a field of garden

£100 will pay for 1000 window posters

£250 will pay for “calling cards” to leave when canvassing

£500 will pay for a leaflet for every young or first time voter

£1000 will help pay for the main election address

£2500 will enable us to write to every postal voter


The whole General Election campaign will cost in the region of £20,000


Which is why I am asking you to continue your already generous support for the Party and contribute to our local Fighting Fund.


I am so grateful to all our brilliant volunteers who have already been working hard this year, and I know will continue their superb support during this campaign. Any amount you can contribute will help deliver positive messages locally, and your support now will make the difference to our campaign for the General Election.


All donations will be spent locally and I would be so very grateful for your support – together we can do this and get a Conservative MP for Sevenoaks and Swanley back into Parliament.


If you’d like to find out more, get involved in the campaign or ask any questions, please get in touch!

To donate online to the campaign please click the link below - if you would like to donate over £200 online, please email


Thank you once again for your contribution.


Now let’s win this election.

How much would you like to donate?

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Tunbridge Wells Fighting Fund

This week you will select a new candidate to fight the General Election.
The timing of the Election was a surprise to us all.  It made it necessary to bring forward my decision, after nearly 20 years as your MP, that it’s time to pass the baton on to someone else who can have the privilege of representing our wonderful constituency in Parliament.
I want to thank you for all of your wonderful support, encouragement, and friendship during every day of those two decades.
We have achieved by campaigning together.
I’m proud of our local achievements - like getting the A21 dualled and the Pembury Hospital built and helping thousands of individual constituents solve pressing problems. 
And I’m proud of what we have done for the country -  like pulling us back from the brink when Gordon Brown’s government was borrowing £1 in every £4 the Government was spending, and what we have done to get 4 million people jobs and increased the state pension by 75% including by £900 in the last year.
Now we need to make sure that Tunbridge Wells continues to be represented by a Conservative MP. Like my predecessors Sir Patrick Mayhew and Archie Norman whose effectiveness I have always tried to emulate, we need someone who has the clout to get things done nationally and locally.
You will have a choice of 3 superb, energetic and impressive candidates this week. Any one of them would do us proud and make sure Tunbridge Wells has the strongest of voices.
Whoever you choose will need your help. Our campaign is underway and I will be out shoulder-to-shoulder with our candidate. We need to produce and deliver many leaflets, letters and posters across our towns and villages over the next 5 weeks.
Your generous financial support is more important than ever.

·                     £25 will pay for 500 letterheads

·                     £50 will pay for one large poster for a field or garden

·                     £100 will pay for 1000 window posters

·                     £250 will pay for "calling cards" to leave when canvassing

·                     £500 will pay for a leaflet for every young or first time voter

·                     £1000 will pay for the main election address  

·                     £2500 will enable us to write to every postal voter 

·                     £5000 will cover 50% of the entire campaign costs 

·                     £10,000 will pay for the entire campaign! 

If you would like to pay over £200, please contact
Whatever you can give, I will be so grateful.
I may not be the candidate this time but I will always be dedicated to our constituency and do everything I can in our campaign for our next MP.

How much would you like to donate?

Chatham and Aylesford Fighting Fund

 On Tuesday night you will select a new candidate to fight the General Election. Let's give whoever that might be a flying start by making sure they have a healthy fighting fund!

We turned this seat Blue in 2010 thanks to the phenomenal generosity of ordinary members like yourself, and we have kept it Conservative ever since.  In order to win this election - which is a straight choice between a Conservative Prime Minister who has managed our economy through challenging times or Sir Keir Starmer, and his unfunded plans.

At the General Election on Thursday 4 July 2024 we want to return a new Conservative MP to Westminster to follow in my footsteps standing up for Chatham, Aylesford, Snodland, Larkfield and the villages. 

Every day until 4 July local Conservative activists, including myself, will be working to produce, deliver and post material across our communities. This will be a lot of work and I am so grateful already for the volunteers who help to keep this work going. As in previous years, your financial support will never be more important.

·                     £25 will pay for 500 letterheads

·                     £50 will pay for one large poster for a field or garden

·                     £100 will pay for 1000 window posters

·                     £250 will pay for "calling cards" to leave when canvassing

·                     £500 will pay for a leaflet for every young or first time voter

·                     £1000 will pay for the main election address  

·                     £2500 will enable us to write to every postal voter 

·                     £5000 will cover 50% of the entire campaign costs 

·                     £10,000 will pay for the entire campaign! 

Every penny you kindly donate will be used to support the new candidate. All our funding comes from members and friends who see the important work we do here as a team and see my work in Westminster and want it to continue.

However you choose to support, I will be very grateful. I might not be your star striker anymore, but I am still part of the team and this is too important to let this slip. We need to stand together.

How much would you like to donate?

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Helen Grant Fighting Fund

It has been an honour to serve as the Member of Parliament for Maidstone and the Weald. With a General Election on the 4th July, I am determined to make Maidstone and Malling Conservative.

Already, teams have been out on the doorstep, speaking to voters, and delivering leaflets. There is a positive story to tell - and we have a strong vision for the future as well. 

But to tell that story, and to sell that vision, we need to fund our campaign. Calling cards, social media advertising, and leaflets all cost hard-raised funds.

Which is why I am asking for you to continue your incredible generosity and support for the Party, and to contribute to our Fighting Fund. 

Anything you can give will help us deliver my positive message. And your support now benefits our campaigns for the General Election.  

I would be hugely grateful if you would contribute to my campaign to keep Maidstone and Malling Conservative.

You can do this by donating through the Paypal button below, or by sending a Cheque addressed to Maidstone and Malling Conservatives at: 
Suite 2, Paddock Wood Business Centre, 
Commercial Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6EN. 

If you would like to pay via BAC or donate more than £200 please get in touch. 

Your support is much appreciated. Thank you

How much would you like to donate?

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Tom Tugendhat Fighting Fund

The time to decide has come. This election will be a straight choice about who leads our country. There is clarity in that. Do we want Conservative principles and Labour’s indecision, waffle and u-turns for the latest fashion. We have a choice and I need your support to help me show our friends and neighbours that anything else is fiction.

At the General Election on Thursday 4 July 2024 I will be standing to serve you based on my record. Together we have delivered better health care in Edenbridge, more trains to Borough Green, flood defences to Tonbridge and kept bus routes serving Hartley and New Ash Green.

Nationally you have given me the voice I needed to protect our country with the new National Security Act and the responsibility for our national security.

I would like to serve you, and our country, again.

In Tonbridge, Edenbridge and North Downs Villages, this will be a tough election. But with your support, I know we can win.

But I need you to give me the ammunition. Every day until 4 July I will be working with volunteers to produce, deliver and post material across our community. This will be a lot of work and I am so grateful already for the volunteers who help to keep this work going. Your financial support will never be more important.

As a guide to how much money we need to raise, you might find the following figures on interest.

·                     £25 will pay for 500 letterheads

·                     £50 will pay for one large poster for a field or garden

·                     £100 will pay for 1000 window posters

·                     £250 will pay for "calling cards" to leave when canvassing

·                     £500 will pay for a leaflet for every young or first time voter

·                     £1000 will pay for the main election address for every household

·                     £2500 will enable us to write to every postal voter to remind them to vote

·                     £5000 will cover 50% of the entire campaign costs for this constituency

·                     £10,000 will pay for the entire campaign! 


Every penny you kindly donate will be used to support my re-election campaign here in our community. All our funding comes from members and friends who see the important work we do here as a team and see my work in Westminster and want it to continue.

However you choose to support, I will be very grateful. It’s too important to let this slip. We need to stand together. I look forward to standing with you I hope you will join me.

If you would like to donate over £200, please email

How much would you like to donate?

Louise Harvey-Quirke Fighting Fund Campaign



It is my honour to write to you as your Parliamentary Candidate for Canterbury. I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have been in contact with me to offer their support and kind words.

Throughout my life, I’ve believed that if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing properly and that is why I am committed to doing all it takes to  return Canterbury to the Conservative fold.

Because I live and work in the area, not only do I hear residents’ concerns on a daily basis, but I share them. Our infrastructure is already stretched, yet we have a local Lab-Lib council trying to squeeze more housing into our most sensitive, beautiful and ecologically sensitive areas. I am not prepared to sit back and see our area, our county, and our country, slide backwards just as we are starting to fully emerge from the difficult, post-Covid period. These have been unprecedented times. Yet, I truly believe the best is yet to come -  but only if we have a Government focused on real-world issues and not a Labour one attempting to interfere with every aspect of our lives.

To deliver this, I need your help. My team and I need to get our message out to as many people as
possible. We need to land our literature on doormats, knock on thousands of doors, take the fight online and let people know about the very real choice they face. 

To support our General Election Campaign Fund, please donate online by using the button below. 

Thank you in advance – I look forward to seeing you across the constituency throughout the upcoming months. Together, we can secure a fantastic result for Canterbury, Whitstable and the villages.

How much would you like to donate?